Reasons you don’t need any protection whie having sex with your sex doll

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In recent years, sex dolls have become increasingly popular. And while there are many different types of sex doll available on the market, they all serve the same purpose: to provide sexual gratification.

But what many people don’t realize is that, because big ass sex dolls are inanimate objects, there is no risk of transmitting STDs or other infections.

In fact, you don’t need to use any protection at all when having sex with a big ass sex doll.

In this blog post, we will explore reasons why you don’t need to use protection while having sex with your big ass sex doll. From the material used in manufacture to the lack of body fluids and more, read on to learn more about why you can feel safe and secure when indulging in this type of sexual activity.

You’re not actually having sex

When you have sex with your big ass sex doll, you are not actually having sex. This is because there is no physical contact between you and your partner. Instead, you are simply masturbating with an inanimate object. While this may seem like a pointless activity, it can actually be quite beneficial.

For one, it can help you to explore your sexuality without the pressure of actual sexual contact. This can be especially helpful if you are someone who is uncomfortable with sexual contact or if you are exploring your sexuality for the first time.

Additionally, it can be a way to get sexual release without having to worry about pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

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Of course, if you do want to have physical contact with your partner, there are ways to do so safely. You can use condoms or dental dams to help protect yourself from STIs and pregnancy. However, if you want to experience the full sensation of sex without any risk, then Sex Dolls are definitely the way to go!

You can’t get STDs from them

STDs are either caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites, none of which can live on inanimate objects like BBW love dolls. So even if your BBW love doll does happen to come into contact with someone who has an STD, you don’t have to worry about contracting it yourself.


Ultimately, whether or not you use protection while having sex with your big ass sex doll is up to you. If you feel comfortable and safe doing so without protection, then there is no reason to use it.

However, if you are concerned about the risk of infection, then using protection is a good idea. Ultimately, the decision is up to you and what makes you feel most comfortable.

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